Art Classes in the Botanics
Organisation Privacy Notice
Our contact details:
Art Classes in the Botanics
730 Great Western Rd, Glasgow G12 0UE
What type of information we have:
Art Classes in the Botanics only holds email addresses of anyone who wishes to be kept up to date with art classes
How we get the information and why we do we have it:
Art Classes in the Botanics runs two email mailing lists; one for general course updates and another for weekly life drawing and portraiture drop in classes. This is the primary way for people to book a place on any class or course. Everyone is welcome to be included on these lists to receive invitations to attend classes. You can request to be included on either or both mailing list and can be removed by emailing to request this at any time.
What we do with the information:
Email addresses are used to invite people to attend upcoming classes or courses.
Email addresses will never be passed on to anyone else and are used exclusively for advertising and booking art classes.
How we store your information:
Email addresses of those wishing to be on the mailing list are added to the contacts of the email account above.
Your data protection rights:
Everyone who signs up for the mailing list has rights including ‘the right to be informed’ of how their data is being used. Please get in touch if you have any questions
How to complain:
If you are dissatisfied with the way your information is stored, you can request to be removed from the mailing list at any time. You can also make a data protection complaint to the Information Commisioner’s Office (ICO) at www.ico.org.uk